Recall Healing®

In Recall Healing, we work at “Identifying and solving the emotional trauma behind the condition or behavior”, an important step within the healing process.
To accomplish this work, Recall Healing integrates the knowledge drawn from several areas of medical specialization, recognized scientific research and various observations on the plant, animal and human realms.
The concept sheds light and understanding on the normal functioning of a living creature, how it becomes ill and how it is possible for it to regain health and well being. Recall Healing is not a panacea and does not pretend to make miracles; but when this work with Recall Healing is well done, it helps the person to "shift" toward a new viewpoint which contributes to optimize the healing process.
Recall Healing® more information
Recall Healing® is a synthesis made by Gilbert Renaud based on the work of Karl G. Jung, Claude Sabbah, Jack Chang, the Biopsychogenealogy and Biology of the physiology; Ryke Geerd Hamer with his concept of New Medicine. Also inspired by the work of many others such Alejandro Jodorowsky, Marc Fréchet and Christian Fleche, Robert Guinée, Anne Ancelin Schutzenberger, Itzhak Bentov, Paul Dirac; Bertrand Lemieux, Brandon Bays (The Journey), Daniel Benor (the butterfly hug), Karol K. Truman (Feelings buried alive never die) and more...
Recall Healing® provides a frame work in order to help and guide an ill person to identify the emotional trauma behind his condition; but also to help anyone who wishes to work preventively to optimize his health. This Recall Healing® modality considers a human being as a "triad": psyche, automatic brain and body. A disease/behavior is quite often the automatic brain's response to a stress that occurred in the person's life. The Recall Healing® specialist helps the client to "recall". When the client understands "why" he is ill this is already a big part of the healing process. And then, with the help of his health care professional, he completes his healing.
What can Recall healing help to address?
Could illness be the brain's ideal solution for solving an acute problem of survival?
Why am I sick and how can I encourage my recovery?
What is the emotional or psychological shock behind the illness or perhaps a way of behaving?
What to do with these emotions & feelings?
Is that possible to let them go? Is there any suggested process?
Exploration: "If you don't give an issue, it may go into the tissue".
Possible solutions to conflict situations
Why do my problems recur?
Memorized Cellular Biological Cycles
The "Project//Purpose" of my life
How does intra-uterine life affect the life of the child?
The origin of certain learning difficulties at school
Trans-generational memory
The biological laws of Recall Healing
The specialist in Recall Healing® supports you and guides you in this process but you remain at all times the key to your healing and your well being. Your active participation is, therefore, essential because the question revolves around your life history and you are the only person who is in a position to bring out all the information about yourself.
Using the tools of Recall Healing®, the goals of this process are:
To bring about a greater awareness and better understanding of your condition or perhaps your behavior.
To identify the events that are the sources of conflict at the origin of your current health condition.
Connecting the person with its own roots using:
The Life Time Line (from now backward to the moment of birth). In order to do this, the client puts down on paper your life history and all the major negative events of your life.
The Project//Purpose (18 months before birth + 12 first months of life);
The Family Tree (based on the three generations above: parents, grandparents, great-grandparents)!
To bring about the significant changes you desire by resolving the identified conflicts.
Since this is about your life history, the work deserves to be done with care. It is a serious task that requires all your attention. To support this work, the individual first signs up for three sessions. Subsequent sessions are determined according to the person's needs and the goals he or she has set.
This work in Recall Healing is not in any way a substitute for your medical care. You ensure your own safety by continuing to see your health professional and by following medical prescriptions.